My Sweet Little Bear took his First step independently. He was just hanging out with me and wanted to see what Kara was doing over on the futon. He stood up and took 4 steps to the futon. I just freeked out and got so excited. Gave him a big hug and kiss. Told him he was a big boy. He got really happy and Kara cheered with me. We then rushed in and told Daddy what he had done. He then throughout the day and he walked some more.

I am happy to report that my doctor said the Christopher is now growing into himself very nicely. When we took him for his 9 month appt. He was 14lbs 5oz. at that point he was in 0% for his age and weight. Last month we visited the nutrition clinic at Primary Childrens Hospital. We were given some great ways to help gain the weight. We also figured out that he has Reflux so he is taking medicine for that. Even though I have been Breastfeeding him exclusively. We realized that he was not getting enough so we are now supplementing with formula. I am happy to say that at his appt. yesterday he is now 18lbs. 6oz. My doctor is so happy to see the large weight gain. And I am happy to say that my Featherboy as Amy calls him is growing.
Just a little note on Kara too. Today Danny and Kara were looking at some of Danny's Transformers and they were talking about them and Kara came out and said "Oh that amazing" Danny was just amazed that she knew that. It was a fun moment for them.
YAY! for Feather boy! I am so glad he is gaining weight. I would not know about the whole worring if they are getting enough food thing. Maybe someday I will and I will have to call you for lots of pointers
That boy is so cute! He is always so happy to se everyone and he makes my day every time. I love him so much and I am so glad to hear that he is getting healthier! Yay!
Wow, Christopher what a big boy. Taking his first steps and growing so big. Good job bud.
Thanks for the update on your family. It is fun to have them small, but I am soooo glad that Christopher is gaining weight to be healthy. That is so important. And walking . . . WOW!!!
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