Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Things that make me happy - The Beach

The beach is a lot of things for me. It's a place I go in my mind to get away when I need to. I have a picture above my computer of a beach. It's a great place. It has in the picture a beach chair. I imagine myself sitting there and enjoying the view and the peace of the beach and ocean.

It's a place I really enjoy. The couple of vacations I've taken where there is a beach. I loved it. I love the ocean. The sounds of the waves washing in. I enjoyed the not so good attempts to Body Surf. I love swimming.

Heavenly Father was so inspired to create such a beautiful thing. I am so thankful for the beaches and oceans we have.


AMIT said...

Wow lovely pictures.

data entry india

Mother said...

I love the beach too!! I have music that has waves in the background. It is very calming. The next best thing is sitting by a stream or a fountain. Love you!