Thursday, December 07, 2006


Time? What do you think of when you see the word Time? I don't have enough time? Where did all the time go? I think most of us say the first all to often. Tonight I was thinking about my life in the big picture. I feel like all I ever do is Work, eat, and sleep. And maybe get some play time in with the kids. I feel I never see my husband unless he is working, sleeping or being frustrated with anything. All I want is to spend time with him. I am not asking for a lot.
I think that we get stuck in the rut of life and we don't want to change or do anything that my be difficult. Times like this I start to think about why we are here? To be tested. Am I doing all that I can to return to heavenly Father? All of us at one point or another will say NO. This time here on earth is for growing and learning from what we have and how we can make it. With Christmas so close and always remembering Jesus Christ and his birth. But also remembering what he came here to do. Give us a way home. I know I can be better and that I can do what I need to. I just have to try harder. I am the farthest away from perfect and I want to be better. I pray for guidance and help so I can be that better mother, wife and sister.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Time is something that really scares me I know I will never have enough so thats why when I see my Husband, baby, siblings, parents or friends I dont feel guilty that I spent time with then instead of doing my dishes