Saturday, October 11, 2008

Family Movie Night

So last night for our movie night. We watched Night at the Museum. We did not get a chance to see it in the theaters. I was wanting to see it. Danny and the children gave it to me for my birthday.

As we started to watch it. Kara asks. "Mom, Elfee there is an Elfee." I said yes there is an elephant. She then says. "Mommy, what is wrong with the Elfee?" I said It's a statue. Then she says "It's dead mommy." I said yes sweetheart it is dead.

As we continued to watch the movie and the museum comes to life. Kara sees the Elephants and she says "Mommy the Elfee is ok. He is alive." I said yes that is right.

As we watched more of the movie. Christopher every time he would see the T-rex. He would start to growl. Showing us that it was a dinosaur. And when he saw the Lions he did the same. He also loved the monkeys too. And he would say "Eeeeaaaah"

We really enjoyed watching this movie. Danny and I laughed a lot. It was a great movie. When we were done watching, Kara said, "Mommy I want to watch it again."
We certainly had a great time watching this together.

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