Saturday, February 10, 2007


I am sitting here thinking about my life as a whole. It is a big roller coaster. Today we finally got our house back into some order. My living room has been housing boxes from a closet that we were cleaning out for my children's bedroom. We got a steal on a new computer for us. We had been saving for just an occasion. So we finally go that put away and ready to go. My children have been sick. Christopher has come down with a cold or something and Kara is just being grouchy. Kara is usually a great sleeper and goes to bed so quickly but not tonight. She has been awake and just struggling to sleep. She sleeps in the same room with Christopher now and she has woken him up twice. She is just struggling. Maybe she is getting sick to and it hasn't manifested it's ugl face yet. I am so grateful for my wonderful chlidren. This experience has reminded me of times that both my children have been to the doctor and needed to have blood drawn and they were troopers. Kara did a children's flu study and they took blood from her for that and she laid there and all she said was "mommy oww" and when they were done she said "I did good." Friday I had to take Christopher to PCMC for some tests and when they drew blood he just sat there and sucked on his bink. The nurse was happy she said that most children would scream and cry. She said that is was very rare that they would have a good child. I was so happy it was mine. I thank Heavenly Father everyday for the wonderful family I have and that they teach and bless me.


Nik English said...

Cute kids love them to death!

WonderKitty said...

Your kids are amazing! I love them and miss them so much! I hope Christopher is feeling better...

Danny said...

You Are The Best Mother Our Children Could Ever Have. They Will Always Be Safe With You Watching Mver Them. I Love You.

CTuna's Cavern said...

Another day in paradise dear. Remember they are only little once. Fun to hear you got the your brother.