Sunday, September 13, 2009


So today I am feeling....

And all I want to do is be in the temple. Feeling the presence of the Lord. To be hugged and know that I am going to be ok. That I can work through all that is weighing me down.

Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us our brother Jesus Christ and for the atonement. Thank you Jesus for sacrificing yourself for me. Thank you for always being here for me. Right now I feel I need it 24/7.


Anonymous said...

Darling Daughter, you can always call day or night, please don't forget that. I am happy to hold you or help you in any way that I can. It is true that He is always there for us. I often turn to Him so not to bother others. The Temple is on my favorite place to be in any time of is a place to feel His spirit so close to us.
I love you dearly!!

CTuna's Cavern said...

That goes for Dad too. Love you.