Friday, November 12, 2010

When do we have the Spirit?

Sorry for the long wait between posts. It's been a busy few weeks for me. Well I've been thinking for a while on posting this. I friend gave me this paper and it really hit me. So the questions are When do you have the Spirit? When do you not have the Spirit?

-You feel happy and calm.
-You feel full of light, your mind is clear.
-Your bosom burns. You feel generous.
-Nobody could offend you.
-You feel confident in everything you do.
-You wouldn't mind everybody seeing what you are doing.
-You feel outgoing, anxious to be with others.
-You are glad when others succeed.
-You want to make others happy.
-You bring out the best of others.
-You feel like praying.
-You wish you could keep all commandments.
-You feel like you have control over your appetites and emotions, calm and controlled speech, no anger, etc.
-You are generally just glad to be alive.


-You feel unhappy, depressed confused, frustrated.
-You feel heavy, full of darkness. Your mind is muddled.
-You feel empty, hollow cold inside.
-You feel selfish, possessive, self-centered.
-Everything anyone does bothers you.
-You are always on the defensive.
-You easily become discouraged.
-You want to be alone, avoid others especially family.
-You become envious of what others do and have.
-You are critical of others, especially family and authority.
-You become secretive, sneaky, and evasive.
-You don't want to pray. You get mad when others do.
-You find commandments bothersome and restricting.
-You become a slave to your appetites, emotions, have extreme mood swings, over-indulgence, strong anger, out-spokeness, etc.
-You wonder if life is really worth it.

When I finished reading this. I realized how much I need to work on getting the spirit in my life more. As my week has been so busy. I sometimes tell myself that I don't need to pray or read my scriptures.
I know that the only way to feel the spirit every day and to not sucome to the holds of Satan is to DAILY say your Prayers and Read the Scriptures. The two most simple ways to be close to the Lord and yet some time so hard to do.
My goal this week is to Pray each day and to Read my Scriptures each day as well. When I was in the past doing this daily my life was blessed. I know this to be true.
I hope that if you are not currently having daily prayer and reading scriptures that you will make the same goal for yourself.
I hope this will help you as much as it has helped me.


Anonymous said...

You are so AWESOME!! What an elect Lady you are. You always know what to say to make others feel good and have the best hugs. This thought is a wonderful reminder to whose Army we are on everyday.
Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Wonderful section of text I must say. Well penned and very helpful, many thanks!