Thursday, October 25, 2007

I've Been Tagged

You've been tagged!
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

Here it goes:

1. Right now my life is upside down. I am living my life for my family. I don't have a whole lot of time for myself. I wish I could take a nap everyday.

2. The sink in our kitchen was clogged and has not been in use since Monday. The plumber finally came tonight at 9pm. It's fixed now. Now that it is fixed I have a leak in my front room. Don't know where it's coming from.

3. My work is down sizing again. They are finally moving to our new office in 2 wks.

4. My hair is starting to get too long right now. It's driving me crazy.

5. I love to paint. I just don't have enough time to do it. I wish I had more.

6. My favorite tv shows right now that I watch weekly is Stargate Atlantis, Smallville, Heroes, Las Vegas and Law and Order:SVU

Okay so now I tag, Nik, Polli, and Jill


Laurie said...

Thanks for doing the tag. I feel your pain about living for your family. I wish you could take a nap everyday and have more time to paint. I had Pants trim my hair yesterday for it was driving me crazy. There is nothing like a hair cut to make you feel like a better woman

Mimi said...

Baba I want to see your paintings I dont remember any of them. I bet they are beautiful I love it when you are being creative you get this face its so cute. Lets Create