Monday, October 01, 2007


Yeah! I am excited and happy with myself. I've lost 10 pounds. I've been wondering for a week now. I had my Wic appt. and I thought I will check my weight. And Yeah for me!
My goal is to work at making small goals that I know I can accomplish. So right now my first small goal is to get to my weight before Christopher was born. My ultimate goal is to lose 100 pounds. And I know that as I work on my small goals I will get there.

So I am so excited. That the pig is smiling for me. I thought of you Boog! Silly pig for you my A sister.


Laurie said...

Silly pig and I am smiling for you too. Good job Aub, I am very proud of you. I know you can do it.

Nik English said...

awesome baba!!

Gatnnos said...

WOW!!! Way to go Aub! I am so proud of you - 10 lbs is a great feat!

WonderKitty said...

That is SO great Baba! I am so excited for you! I know you will make your goal if you stick to it! We are always there to help.

CTuna's Cavern said...

You will do it sweetheart. Your daddy is losing weight also. My cholestrol has gotten out of wack and I see the doctor on the 6th. Mom K says he will put me on a diet ... I have just cut the things I know I should and have started losing again. I walk with Spike and Lady each day and lose about 2-3 pounds a week.
Being in the play is helping as I do alot of pantomine and moving... that I wouldn't do otherwise.

YOu are smart...small goals always show progress and we all need that.