Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thankful for on Sun. 9/23/07

Ok so I am going to steal Lou's idea just for one Sunday.
By the way Kara picked the picture.

Things I am thankful for this Sunday

My Temple Date:
Yesterday Danny and I went to the temple for my birthday. I told him that was the only thing I wanted. I haven't been to the temple for a while and my recommend was not renewed till this week. Just sitting in the temple and feeling the spirit was so refreshing. Being there and just being away from the world and not have a care. It was so nice. Having time with Danny and to renew our bond was nice. Just being with him and to snuggle is the best.

Books and games:
I know this may sound silly. But reading books and playing games is so relaxing for me. I am reading Eldest the sequel to Eragon and enjoying it. It is so fun to read about the characters and to be so engulfed in the story. I love to put myself in the story as if I am watching as a ghost.
I have also been playing uno, skipbo, uno freefall, brain age, star wars II, and Superman on my nintendo ds. I stay up and work til about 11 pm and when I go to bed most of the time I am tired but can't sleep. So I play one of my games. I am then ready to sleep. I have always enjoyed playing games and love to do so when I have people to play. When I was still living at home before I got married Amy and I would play uno on most every Sunday afternoon. Some time we would trade candy to whom ever won. I would always get the bag of what we called the yucky jelly beans. They were the ones no one wanted to eat. I miss that.

I am grateful to be alive. I struggle everyday with the thought that because of my weight, I could die earlier than I wish. And to miss my children growing up. I struggle everyday with losing weight as well. Having the power to do it and to keep doing it.


Gatnnos said...

I am glad you got to go to the temple with your husband! I love you - Happy Birthday!!!

Laurie said...

Hey you can always use ideas from blogs. that is what they are for. I am so glad you got to go to the temple, that always balances your spirit and reminds you what is important. Happy b-day Aub, my post will come soon. Today is crazy

WonderKitty said...

Birthday Temple! Yay! You are so cute Aub! We played Uno for my birthday, we will have to play next time we can get together. Kara picked a great picture!

CTuna's Cavern said...

I love you. DON'T YOU FORGET IT>